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Dear lawmaker,

I am an independent restaurant owner in your district who provides jobs to support my workers and local community.

I chose to become a franchise of ______ because it offered me a better opportunity to succeed than starting from scratch, on my own. This relationship helped me overcome barriers to starting a business. However, being a franchise doesn’t make me less independent than an unaffiliated restaurant.

AB 257 takes away my independence. The national brand is not going to accept new rules and liability for my business without imposing new requirements on me.

AB 257 discriminates against restaurants like mine simply because we are affiliated with national brands. None of the unaffiliated restaurants in my community would be forced to comply with new workplace rules established by AB 257. This bill wrongly assumes we need more labor regulations than independent restaurants.

AB 257 will allow an unelected council to create any new rule they want over wages and working conditions at fast food chains – rules that wouldn’t apply to any other industry. There could also be local rules established by local councils. This approach is unfair and irresponsible.

I comply with state laws and do everything I can to take care of my workers. My restaurant provides important jobs for our community members and I give back to our community as much as possible.

I urge you to please vote “NO” on AB 257.

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